Nth RooCH

CRank: 5Score: 3710

Reading a review for Halo 3 by any website or magazine with "Xbox" in the title, will be about as worthwhile as reading a Killzone 2 review from any website or Magazine with "Sony" or "PS" in the title. In other words, it's pointless. Wait for the first 10 reviews in Gamefaqs, read the highest scored and the lowest. You'll get the jist from that.

6209d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd ignore this one too. The only reliable review you're ever going to hear are your friends, or gamefaqs.com. I'll be awaiting the general concencus from those sites LONG before I read one of these.

6209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 4 : Start another fight
Halo 5 : Master chief & friends superstar adventures in dreamland
Halo 6 : Just keep fighting
Halo 7 : Fighting. Do it.
Halo 8 : You know what to do.

6210d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not a chance in hell. They would not get away with charging for maps which are otherwise free on other platforms. Look at Rainbow six Vegas. They released the red pack for about $10 on marketplace. Then the PC version was released with both red and black map packs. Next thing you know, the black pack is released for free, and the red is made free also. If they decide to release these maps as a microtransaction, they'll get lynched.

6210d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So let me get this straight, Microsoft lied because they DIDN'T say how many Wii's were sold. I'm sorry, could someone explain the logic to me? Why on earth WOULD Microsoft talk about Wii's sales? It's NOTHING to do with them, totally irrelevant! And only 400,000 units sold in Japan. And? Does that detract from the number? Did they state that the number was Japan only? No!

There are no lies in this thread. They stated 11.6 million over 37 countries. They mentioned n...

6210d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh come on to f*** guys, how can anyone be taking this seriously. KOTAKU isn't taking this seriously. There is a time when you need to step back from your staunch defence of all of Sony's products, and just look at what is actually being said. That time is now.

6210d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why on earth is anyone flaming in this thread? This is a fact, they're removed some maps from THE DISC. What will they do? Download content! I'd bet because it's on the PC, they'll also be free to download. Everyone shut up and stop being so bloody fanboyish. This is a non event story, and it doesn't say anything bad about either console realistically. The maps aren't on the disc, they'll be on the respective marketplaces. Thread over.

6210d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Whilst gameplay over graphics is obviously the way to go, there are limits. The fact is, we are at a stage now where the bar for games is raised. For instance, if you release something nowadays with PS1 graphics, no matter how amazing the gameplay, the game will look like it was developed by lazy c***s. This game, if you check the screenshots, looks absolutely abysmal. It makes the devs look totally lazy, like they didn't even try. No matter how underpowered the Wii is, you can squeeze b...

6210d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are right on the money. I was going to say this exact same thing. The Wii was practically made for this game.

6211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone else think something about this post is bulls***? It seems the Sonysexuals have finished attacking the game and have moved onto the packaging. Lol!

6211d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think looking closely at it, the CGI footage simply has motion blur and a bit less contrast. To make it look more like a movie. The in game footage is sharper, and more colourful. But there really isn't much between them, and they both look phenomenal.

6211d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Xbox 360 WILL NOT win over Japan. I will state that, not as estimation, but absolute, unquestionable fact. Why am I so confident? Because the Japanese don't embrace ANYTHING foreign, particularly not American. They never have. Having been there, I can assure you their main love is for Nintendo and Sony. I think Microsoft are pissing money down the drain by pursuing Japan. I think they should keep the developers on side, but screw pushing for the public. They will not be won round,...

6212d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Jesus f***, that is totally ridiculous. Some people need a reality check, delivered on the end of a baseball bat.

6212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I genuinely think the "Master chief" character is simply playing on the American peoples trademark patriotism. He pretty much embodies everyone America wants to be. Brutally strong and resolved, with consistant heroism. And look at the name? The master of all chiefs!! It's pretty obvious he's a psychological goldmine.

6212d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You? A manager? Hah! Yeah, good one. No, seriously though. Attachment rates aren't indicative of many things, such as DJ implied. It is simply the number of additionals upon purchase. So say I buy a 360. I could get two games, call it a day. Well it seems the average person (that's everyone's amount put together and the middle ground counted) has 6 items. That's greater than the PS3, greater than the Wii. Now YOU bought TEN items. Okay, I'll try to explain this slowly and in layma...

6212d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who else is glad the clown above me has no bubbles left? Dude, fanboyism is a plague on society. You spend 18 hours of your day stringently defending the bad points of your company, whilst exaggerating the good points. Do you think that stops any reasonable person realising that's what you are doing? Blue Dragon is crap you say? Have you played it? No. Absolutely not. The HD DVD's are of a lower quality, so says a link you have right? Wrong. They haven't used this new one because it...

6212d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 got Vampire rain too? Hahah, I thought 360 was the only console to get that colossal suck fest.

6212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you know what the average is, then you'd know that even if you, your friend, your mother and your dog all bought a PS3 with 10 games, it would be TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to the point being made. The average Xbox 360 purchased is being bought with more than the average PS3. It's a fact, so what YOU bought is completely pointless to mention.

And could you please point to where I said the PS3 had no games? Seems like your crying over it yourself if you're so defensive that you'll...

6212d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"microsoft's average attach rate is a little over 6.i bought over 10 for ps3.6 is not that much."

Seriously, I actually laughed out loud at this.

But Mag Lev, you do know what "average" means don't you? And that if 6 is the average attach rate for the 360, and that is above the attach rate for Sony, that means that you are in a minority who purchased that many games for your system.

Man, you fanboys crack me up, in a "...

6212d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Good point Torres. Bubble+

MakRoyale, you're comparing a non essential add on with a permanent fixture of a console. Get over yourself fanboy.

6212d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment